Best Time to Send Out Bridesmaid Invitations

When to send out bridesmaid invite?

Some future Mrs Send out bridesmaid invite as soon as they get engaged. We don’t want to say it is wrong, but sometimes things changes always, especially the wedding you are planning are two years away. So the answer to this questions depends on the ture situation:

  1. If your relationship won’t change by time, like your sister, college roommate, asking them with excitement the first week engaged.
  2. It’s kind of tough for girls being asked to make decision with an exact date.
  3. You may need to wait a longer amount of time before popping the question to your favorite people to be your bridesmaids because your close relationship may changed for something unexpected over the year (like your neighbour may move to other town) and the status of the girls maybe change, like get pregnant.
  4. The best time to ask girls to be your bridesmaid is between 8 months to 1 year before your wedding.
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