Let her go ot not go to the prom party is a question. It brings up all sorts of mixed emotions for parents.
Prom is a reprensentation of a events that your daughter will be confronted with from this age forward. It is important to her. And discussed among her friends for probably most of the school year and everyone is expecting her to attend.
A prom can be one of the most rewarding or disappointing events in a young daughter’s life. Being in a semi-supervised environment where there are boys is something they have to get used to, it will certainly cause some anxiety for parents. While there are some reasons you should let daughter go to the prom.
01. It is the first formal opportunity they can dress like a adults.
The prom party is a chance for your daughter to dress like adults. And a flattering prom dress is necessary, and matched with makeup, shoes. For many parents, they’re stunned by the transformation when they see their little girl in a formal prom dress and turning into what looks like a little woman. They begin to see that the young lady they’ve been raising is now preparing herself ready to be woman.

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02 It is the chance that they learn to be responsible.
Tell her about how the night should go and what your expections of her are. What they should do and should not do at their age.
Take the chance to talk with your daughter that you trust and love her.
03 It’s the need of social.
Students in school are always tend to move as a pack and doing things together. Prom party is the group of friends that are close to them interested in going. If she doesn’t show up as part of the group, she might take it very hard. It should not be overstated how important beging a member of these groups is to a young lady. For this reason it is good to let her attend, unless there is an overwhelming reason for her to not go.